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Error Messages

These are the potential error messages that can be returned by the Public API. '%n' are text substitutions for fields names, values and embedded error messages.

Card Payment

CardSettleMandatoryCardSettle must be set to Y.
InvalidCardResultCard Result '%1' is not a known response from %2.
InvalidCardTransTypeCardTransType must be A.
InvalidExpiryDateThis needs to be a month in the format mmyy.

Customer Associate

ContactCategoriesBlankOne or more categories is blank.
ContactCategoryUniqueOnly one customer contact can have the category %1.
CustomerNotActiveContacts cannot be %1 for inactive customers.
CustomerTypeDepositContacts cannot be %1 for customers with a type of Deposit.
DetailsNotMatchedContact details did not match.
EmailRequired%1 This requires an e-mail address to be entered.
TaskReviewCycleThis contact cannot be deleted as it has a task review cycle associated with it.
UniqueUsernameThis user name has already been used by a customer login.


Alphanumeric%1 must be alphanumeric.
AlreadyExists%1 already exists.
AuthSchemeNotFoundAuthorisation scheme not found.
DateDaysPast%1 cannot be more than %2 days in the past.
DateTime%1 is not a valid date and time.
DateToday%1 cannot be before today.
DeleteError%1 could not be deleted.
DeleteErrorReason%1 could not be deleted for the following reason. %2
EmptyBodyRequest did not contain a body.
Exists%1 does not exist.
ForbiddenPropertyRequest contained a forbidden property (%1).
InvalidAccessKeyAccess key %1.
InvalidAuthFormatInvalid format of authorisation header.
InvalidCharsThe %1 cannot include the following characters: %2.
InvalidCredentialsInvalid username or password.
InvalidDate%1 is not a valid date.
InvalidServerInvalid server.
JsonPatchExceededArrayPatch '%1' operation on path '%2' is past end of existing array.
JsonPatchForbiddenResourcePatch '%1' operation on resource %2 is not allowed.
JsonPatchInvalidChars%1 contains invalid characters.
JsonPatchInvalidOpPatch operation op '%1' is invalid.
JsonPatchInvalidPathPatch '%1' operation has invalid path '%2' specified.
JsonPatchMissingOpPatch operation is missing.
JsonPatchMissingPathPatch '%1' operation has no path specified.
JsonPatchPathNotFoundPatch '%1' operation on path '%2' not found in resource.
MaxLengthThe maximum length for %1 is %2 characters.
MaxLinesThe maximum number of lines for %1 is %2.
MaxValueThe maximum value for %1 is %2.
MinLengthThe minimum length for %1 is %2 characters.
ModifiedOnServerThis %1 resource has been modified on server.
NotActive%1 is not active.
NotFound%1 was not found.
NotSupported%1 is not supported.
PositiveInteger%1 must be a positive integer.
PositiveNumber%1 must be a positive number.
PositiveNumberDecs%1 must be a positive number formatted to %2 decimal places.
ReadOnly%1 is read only.
RecordInuseThis %1 resource is currently in use.
Required%1 is required.
RequiredPropertyRequest did not contain a required property (%1).
SaveError%1 could not be saved. %2.
TaskReasonNotForCategoryTask Reason %1 is not applicable for Task Category %2.
TimeHHMM%1 must be in the format HH:MM.
UniqueThe %1 must be unique.
UnlicensedThe system does not have the correct license for this endpoint.
UnparsableJSONThe request content was unparsable as JSON.


InvalidEmail'%1' is not a valid e-mail address.
InvalidInput%1 must be %2.
InvalidTimeStampInvalid timestamp format.
ObjMatchPathThe %1 object does not match the path.
UIDFormatUID can only contain numeric characters.
Unavailable%1 is unavailable.


AccountManagerMismatchThe account manager for a child account must match the account manager for the parent account.
AccountTypeInvalidAccount Type: %1 is invalid.
AddressConfigurationThe system is configured to not allow %1.
ChildParentThe parent account number cannot be that of a child account.
ContGroupingGrouping %1: %2
DefaultPricingRestrictionThe default pricing method cannot be set to either of the 'Matrix Pricing' pricing methods as discretionary margin pricing is enabled in order entry.
DeliveryPointDeliveryPoint must be Y or N.
DepotRestrictionRestrictions have been defined against the selected customer type that mean the depot for the customer is restricted to the following depot codes : %1.
DetailsNotMatchedCustomer details did not match.
InvalidChildField%1 is an invalid child field.
InvalidRDCOThe RDCO number must be 8 numeric characters or 8 characters followed by a space followed by 5 characters.
InvalidSalesRepForDepotThe sales rep %1 does not exist in the list for depot %2.
InvalidTypeOnly the following default system type can be used: %1. Other user defined customer types can be used. Please contact a System Administrator.
NoValidCountyROM1No valid county found from Address for ROM1 reporting.
ParentNotDepositThe parent account cannot be a deposit type account.
PrefCommValues%1 must be one of the following values: %2.
UnpricedTicketsTickets cannot be unpriced for %1 customers.
VATNumberRequiredA VAT number is required %1.

Day Time Window

InvalidDayNot a valid day.
MaxTimeWindowsA maximum number of time window entries allowed is 3.
OverlapOne or more delivery times overlap.


AddressConfigurationThe system is configured to not allow %1.
DepotClosedThe order depot has been marked as closed.
DepotCompanyThe order depot must belong to the same company as that of the customer.
DepotInterCompanyInter company orders cannot be placed via Codas API.
HowCreatedHow created must be set to %1.
Invalid%1 is invalid
InvalidDeliveryTypeDelivery type must be ND.
InvalidLatestDeliveryDateLatest delivery date cannot be before intended delivery date.
InvalidOrderNumberThe customer order number cannot be set to Y.
LoadThis order is on a load and cannot be updated.
NoValidCountyROM1No valid county found from Address for ROM1 reporting.
StatusThis order has a status which prevents it from being updated.
SuspenseDepotThe order depot cannot be a suspense depot.
WindowDayOverlapThe delivery days overlap other delivery days.

Order Line

MaxMarginThe unit price entered must be reduced to %1 based on the market movements. If you think this is incorrect please contact your supplier contact.


AdHocCardPaymentAd hoc Payments cannot be entered for Card Payment types.
BatchTypeMismatchThe type does not match the payment type of the batch.
CompanyMismatchThe company of the batch does not match the company of the customer.
CurrencyRateInvalidCurrency rate cannot be defined for local currency customers.
CustomerFinishDatedPayments cannot be entered for customers who are finish dated.
CustomerNotActivePayments cannot be entered for customers who are not active.
CustomerNotUpdateLedgerPayments cannot be entered for customers whose customer type is set to not update the ledger.
DIEProductsUndefinedThe debit and credit realised DIE product codes must be defined before a payment can be made for a foreign currency customer.
ForeignCurrencyCustomerPayments cannot be entered for foreign currency customers.
ForeignCurrencyCustomerNoCompanyPayments cannot be entered for foreign currency customers with no company defined.
ForeignCurrencyNominalControlNotSetupThe nominal control account for 'Sales Ledger Realised DIE', for currency %1, must be set up before a payment can be made.
ForeignCurrencyPaymentTypeThis type is not allowed for a foreign currency customer.
ForeignValueNotEqualForeign currency payment value must equal the payment value multiplied by the currency rate.
FuturePaymentDateThe payment date cannot be in the future.
HowCreatedHow created code %1 is forbidden.
IncorrectCardSystemCardSystem must be %1.
InvalidCustomerDebtorStatusThe customer debtor status %1 prevents entry of payments.
InvalidField%1 is only allowed for %2.
InvalidValuePayment line value must be a non-zero integer.
InvalidValueMustEqualPayment value must equal the total of payment line values.
NotForeignCurrencyCustomerForeign currency payment value cannot be defined for local currency customers.
TypeMismatchThe payment type must have a master type of '%1'.

Payment Line

AllocatedExceedsOutstandingThe value allocated to transaction reference %1 cannot exceed the outstanding amount.
AllocatedMustBeNotNegativeThe value allocated to transaction reference %1 cannot be less than zero.
AllocatedMustEqualOutstandingThe value allocated to transaction reference %1 must equal the outstanding amount.
ForeignValueEqualForeign currency payment line value must equal the payment line value multiplied by the currency rate.
InvalidForeignValueForeign currency payment line value must be a non-zero integer.
NoOutstandingValueTransaction reference %1 has no outstanding value to allocate.
TransactionAllocatedTransaction reference %1 has already been allocated.
TransactionOnHoldTransaction reference %1 is on hold.
TransactionReferenceUsedTransaction reference %1 has been used multiple times.


DispactDepotUnavailableProduct %1 is an %2 product which cannot be selected for this Dispatch Depot.
NotForSaleProduct %1 is not for sale.
NotPermittedForDepotProduct %1 is not permitted at the dispatch depot.
NotPermittedForMarketProduct %1 is not permitted by the customer's market.
SurchargeProduct %1 is defined as a surcharge product, for card surcharges on orders, against a VAT rate.
SurchargeDefaultProduct %1 is the default product code for card surcharges on orders.


AddressConfigurationThe system is configured to not allow %1.
ContactGroupingThe system is configured to not allow %1 for %2.
Custom%1: %2.
DetailsNotMatchedProspect details did not match.
NotFound%1: '%2' was not found.


AddressConfigurationThe system is configured to not allow %1.
DepotClosedThe Quote depot has been marked as closed.
DepotCompanyThe Quote depot must belong to the same company as that of the customer.
DepotInterCompanyInter company Quotes cannot be placed via Codas API.
HowCreatedHow created must be set to %1.
Invalid%1 is invalid
InvalidDeliveryTypeDelivery type must be ND.
InvalidLatestDeliveryDateLatest delivery date cannot be before the Earliest delivery date.
InvalidOrderNumberThe customer order number cannot be set to Y.
LoadThis Quote is on a load and cannot be updated.
NoValidCountyROM1No valid county found from Address for ROM1 reporting.
StatusThis order has a status which prevents it from being updated.
SuspenseDepotThe Quote depot cannot be a suspense depot.
WindowDayOverlapThe delivery days overlap other delivery days.


MaxMarginThe unit price entered must be reduced to %1 based on the market movements. If you think this is incorrect please contact your supplier contact.

Third Party Interface

MissingThirdPartyInterface property is missing.

Time Window

InvalidRangeThe 'To' time, must be greater than or equal to the 'From' time.

Use Statement

InvalidProductUse statement product not valid for RDCO.
NatureOfSupplyRequiresNumberThe nature of supply of this use code is RDCO but the customer does not have an RDCO number.
NotOnOrderUse statement product not on the order.
ProtectUseCodeYou cannot enter use codes beginning with 7 or 8. These are generated automatically by Codas.


Custom%1: %2.
EquipPartLoc%1 must be an Equipment Parts Location.
EquipPartProd%1 must be an Equipment Maintenance Part Product.
EquipTypeProdProduct must have a category of Equipment Maintenance and an Equipment Type of %1.
InvalidTimeThe %1 %2 the %3.
MiscStock%1 cannot be part of Miscellaneous Stocks.
MiscStocksLoc%1 must be included in Miscellaneous Stocks.
ParentChildReuseTicketNumber: %1 has already been used for a child of the same parent of this customer or for the parent itself.
PartType%1 has a restricted Product Type.
PositiveOrZeroInteger%1 must be a positive or zero integer%2.
RechargeReuseTicketNumber: %1 has already been used for recharge customer: %2.
ReuseTicketNumber: %1 has already been used for this customer.
UnlinkedUser%1 must be linked to a Codas User.